Safety Tips While Traveling Abroad

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Safety Tips While Traveling Abroad

Safety is typically a big topic when traveling abroad. Generally speaking, there are no countries that are good or bad, as crimes and unfortunate incidents happen all over the world. However, staying aware and being as safe as possible can be easily done by following a few simple rules. 

The more you feel safe and secure on the road, the less stressed and anxious you will be, resulting in a more enjoyable and relaxed trip. Safety is essential for a successful trip and the likeliness of your return to a country. To help keep you safe and happy on the road, here are 10 tips and tricks to remember. 

Research the Destination Ahead of Time

Be informed about your destination and do some research BEFORE arriving in an unknown land. Many neighborhoods tend to be better situated for tourists when it comes to safety and well-being. Another tip is to talk to your host at your accommodation for tips about places in the city you should avoid or take extra precautions. 

Make Copies of Important Documents

Make copies of important documents and forms of identification such as visas, passports, driver’s licenses, credit cards, and health documents. In the unfortunate event that these items are lost or stolen, having another copy, or at least a photo, will make retrieving new documents and traveling onward a lot easier. 

Let Someone Back Home Know Your Plans

Letting someone back home know of your plans is a good way to stay safe while abroad in case of an emergency. While you may not know every plan down to the last detail, if you are planning to travel to a new town by bus, or if you are taking a hike by yourself, let someone know that. In case you are not heard from for a few days or go missing, there is at least a starting point or origin. Additionally, unlikely world events and natural disasters can occur at any moment, so letting someone back home know where you are can potentially help get you home if need be. 

Get Travel Insurance

If there is anything on this list that is absolutely 100% necessary, it would be to purchase travel insurance. When traveling for long periods of time, accidents and unfortunate events are going to happen, and it’s best to be safe than sorry. Having travel insurance can ensure that you have emergency medical attention, and evacuation assistance, or can help you in case of delays and cancellations. 

Hide Emergency Cash

When traveling abroad, never keep all of your money and credit cards in the same place. Separate them into at least 2-3 different locations in your luggage or on your body. In the case your belongings are lost or stolen, you still have some backup cash on hand. When going out for the day, take only what you will need, and leave the rest safely locked up in your hotel. 

Be Cautious of Public WiFi

When traveling abroad, free wifi will be one of your best friends. While is fantastic when available, be cautious of using free wifi provided in public places. It is very easy for scammers and hackers to retrieve your data and personal information when using public wifi. If possible try to avoid using wifi connections found in parks, city squares, or event venues. 

Be Aware of Local Scams

Tourists are a target for local scams all over the world, no matter where you are. Inform yourself ahead of time which scams are popular or common in the destination you are heading to, and notice it before it happens. The mustard scam, pickpocketing, and the use of children are widely popular in many tourist destinations. 

Get Advice from Locals

A lot of travelers have mixed feelings about the safety of taking advice or talking to locals or ‘strangers’ while traveling abroad. While it is often viewed as dangerous, locals are actually a lot more likely to help you, rather than harm you. Locals want tourists to have a good experience in their country and enjoy the time spent in their home, helping others will allow them to play a hand in the success of that. Locals can warn you of certain areas to avoid, give you directions when you are lost, or potentially translate for you in emergency situations. 

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Staying safe while in a foreign country, or anywhere away really, it’s crucial to pay attention and be aware of your surroundings. Look around and notice what is happening around you, and eliminate the chance of danger happening before it can. If you are a woman traveling alone, avoid going out after the sunsets. If you notice the same person has been following you for a long time, go to a populated area and get help. Being aware of your surroundings can help keep you safe, as well as the potential for good opportunities to happen while traveling abroad. 

Trust Your Instincts

When trying to stay safe when traveling abroad, the most essential thing you should always do is trust your instincts. When put in a position where you feel unsafe or like you are in danger, trust your gut instincts. If you are feeling uncomfortable in a situation, leave. If something feels off or wrong, chances are it probably is. There is no one in the world that know your own instincts better than you do; listen to them. 

We hope that you found our list of safety tips to remember while traveling abroad insightful and helpful. Traveling smart and keeping yourself safe are essential factors for having a healthy, happy, and successful trip!

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