Most Common Mistakes When Going to the Olympics

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Most Common Mistakes When Traveling to the Olympics

Welcome to the Olympic Games! 

An incredible event that brings together athletes from around the world to compete on a global stage. Congratulations are in order if you have finally accomplished your dream of landing tickets to the world’s biggest sporting event! While attending the Olympics is a dream for many travelers, it can also be a daunting experience. With so many people traveling to the host city, planning carefully and avoiding common mistakes that can ruin your trip is essential.

We have compiled a list of the biggest mistakes people tend to make when traveling to the Olympics in hopes of helping better prepare you for your experience. Before you begin your planning process, check out this article about the most common traveling mistakes that are made when traveling to the Olympic games to ensure a hassle-free and no-nonsense experience.

Waiting Until the Last Minute

One of the biggest mistakes travelers tend to make when traveling to the Olympics is waiting until the last minute to begin planning. One of the main reasons you should plan your trip immediately is the cost. Airfare, accommodations, and tickets can all be more expensive if booked at the last minute, as prices tend to rise as the event draws closer. Planning and booking your trip in advance allows you to take advantage of early bird deals and avoid paying more than necessary.

Not Planning Extra Time

One of the most common mistakes travelers make when traveling to the Olympics is underestimating travel times and not allowing for extra time to get to their destinations. Traffic and transportation can be unpredictable in a city hosting such a significant event. With thousands of people moving around simultaneously, delays and crowds are inevitable. Allowing for extra time will ensure that you arrive at your destination on time and avoid missing out on any events you have tickets for.

Not Making Reservations

When preparing for your Olympic experience, making reservations in advance is one of the most important aspects that should be included in your planning process. It’s crucial to make reservations in advance for restaurants, accommodations, and transport to ensure a smooth and stress-free trip. This is definitely one of the biggest mistakes travelers can make when going to the games, and failure to do so can result in a range of problems.

Accommodation: The Olympic games attract a large number of visitors, and accommodation options can fill up quickly. By booking your accommodation in advance, you can ensure that you have a suitable place to stay during your trip.

Restaurants: Making reservations in advance for restaurants can help you avoid long wait times and ensure that you can enjoy local cuisine at your convenience. Restaurants in the vicinity of the Olympic games are likely to be busy, and with reservations, it can be easier to secure a table at a convenient time. 

Transport: During the Olympic games, transportation in and around the city can be challenging due to increased demand. By booking transportation in advance, you can avoid long wait times and ensure that you have a reliable and comfortable mode of transport during your trip.

Missing the Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony is a highlight of the Olympic Games and is a must-see event for any traveler attending the games. It is an opportunity to witness a great display of culture, music, and history as the host nation welcomes the world to the biggest sporting event in the world. Missing the opening ceremony is one of travelers’ most common mistakes when traveling to the Olympics. Whether it be for lack of time, arriving too late, or simply not being interested, missing the opening ceremony with be a big regret to your trip. 

Not Training for the Marathon

While this is new to the 2024 Olympic Games, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is not training and preparing your body for the marathon race. The new marathon for attendees of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris is an exciting opportunity for runners to participate in a historical event. However, it’s important to note that the marathon is a challenging endurance event that requires proper training and preparation. If running, you must be physically and mentally prepared to ensure this does not spoil the entire experience. 


Budgeting is an essential aspect of travel, especially when traveling to the Olympic games. It can be easy to get caught up in the moment with so much excitement and energy, but forgetting about your budget can eventually lead to financial stress in the future, with the potential to ruin your whole trip. By creating a budget and sticking to it, you can ensure that you have enough money to cover all the necessary expenses and still have a great time without worrying.

Traveling to the Olympics can be an unforgettable experience but requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth trip. Avoiding these common mistakes can provide a more enjoyable and stress-free experience. With the right mindset and preparation, attending the Olympics can be an incredible opportunity; contact Adventures by Matt for assistance in planning your trip. 

Matt DawsonMost Common Mistakes When Going to the Olympics

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