Frequently Asked Questions About Solo Travel

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Frequently Asked Questions About Solo Travel

There’s nothing quite like traveling solo. While it’s great to share our favorite moments and memories with our loved ones, traveling solo gives us a sense of freedom and confidence that traveling with others just can’t provide. While there have always been explorers and adventures traveling on their own for centuries, the trend has been rising over the past few years and shows no signs of stopping.

If this is your first time planning a solo trip, you are likely to have a thousand questions running through your mind. Will I be safe? Isn’t it lonely? How am I supposed to make friends? Lucky for you, we are here to help. After years of traveling solo, we’ve compiled the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about solo travel.

Is Solo Travel Safe?

Questions about safety concerns are the most commonly asked questions about solo travel. Whether you are the one traveling or a friend of the traveler, safety is a crucial element to a successful adventure. In our experience, traveling solo is no more dangerous than traveling with others, as long as you take the right precautions. Research your destination ahead of time, learn the layout, local scams, avoid being out after dark, and pay attention. Paying attention to your surroundings and trusting your gut are two of the best safety precautions you can take, no matter your destination.

Does traveling solo get lonely?

If you are planning a solo trip, you are probably concerned about being lonely. While traveling solo can be lonely at times, you are often only alone if you choose to be. Making friends while traveling solo is so much easier, as you are forced to talk to people by not having a friend to coincide with. If the loneliness and homesickness do start to set in, thanks to technology, friends and family are only a quick Facetime or phone call away!

How do you deal with the language barrier?

One of the most frequent questions about traveling solo is how to deal with the language barrier in other countries. If you are a native English speaker, chances are you will find SOMEONE in the area who can understand you. However, the language barrier will appear if you don’t speak English or are in a less touristic destination. Try and learn a few words and phrases in the local language of your destination. Even if you butcher the pronunciation, locals will appreciate the effort. And don’t forget, body language and hand gestures go a long way; a smile is a smile in every language worldwide.

Isn’t it weird eating out alone?

Once you get used to it, dining out alone is great for traveling solo. Taking yourself out to eat is a great time for some love and self-care while traveling solo. You can eat where you want and what you want without accommodating anyone else’s diet, budget, or preferences. Eating out alone is also a good way to meet locals in your destination who can advise and give local tips to improve your whole experience and your meal.

How do you take photos of yourself?

Taking photos is crucial on any adventure to document your trip and have memories that last a lifetime. While traveling solo, taking pictures of yourself can be tricky, but it gets easier with time. Nowadays, using a tripod is not uncommon and is a great way to take photos of yourself when traveling solo. Another option is to ask other people to take photos of you! Not only are you given the opportunity to meet someone new, but they may be a solo traveler just like you and need assistance with their photos too.

How to convince your friends and family to relax?

Trying to convince your friends and family to relax and not stress out about your solo trip isn’t easy and takes time. Our suggestion is to do as much planning a preparation as possible that way, it shows them you are responsible and have taken all the best precautions to stay safe during your trip. After you have a few trips under your belt, and have proved what you can do, your friends and family will start to relax; and even become excited to see where you end up traveling next!

Where do you start when planning a solo trip?

Planning a solo trip can be really overwhelming at first, especially if you’ve never done it before. We recommend first figuring out your budget. Finances are typically the make-it-or-break-it element of traveling, and some destinations are much more suitable and budget-friendly for solo travelers. Once your budget is set, pick your destination and go from there.

What is the best accommodation for solo travelers?

When it comes to accommodation, it mostly depends on your budget and preference. Overall, hostels are a fantastic option for solo travelers. They are a lot cheaper for those on a budget, and hostels are a great way to meet new friends while traveling alone. However, if you are one who likes their own privacy, hotels or guest houses might be more suitable. Or, you can consider a private room at a hostel, as private rooms provide more peace and privacy, but with all the amenities and sociable atmosphere of the hostel.

We know that traveling solo can be intimidating and overwhelming at first, but never forget all solo travelers have to start from somewhere and, at some point, asked all the same questions that you have in your head. We hope this guide has cleared up many of your questions about solo traveling and that you use it as an inspiration for you when planning your next solo adventure! 

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