Biggest Mistakes When Traveling to Italy

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Biggest Mistakes When Traveling to Italy

It’s no secret that Italy is a top bucket list destination for travelers all over the world. Millions of visitors from all over the world travel to Italy each year to see some of the world’s most impressive sights, like the floating city of Venice and Rome’s Colosseum. Even though Italy is very touristic and tends to be a place travelers return to time and time again, there are a lot of common mistakes that travelers tend to make.

We want you to have the BEST trip to Italy ever! So, before you arrive, remember these helping tips and avoid making the biggest and most common mistake travelers make when visiting Italy!

Trying to do too much in a short amount of time

One of the biggest mistakes travelers make when visiting Italy is trying to do too much in a short amount of time. While it’s tough to cut down an Italian itinerary since there are so many unique places to see, traveling slowly will make your trip much better than bouncing around. We recommend spending at least 2-3 days in larger cities, plus adding a few day trips around the countryside and islands.

Remember, you don’t need to see everything to have a fantastic trip, and leaving a few destinations out of your itinerary just gives you another excuse to come back to Italy in the future!

Eating food from the wrong regions

While we all love the traditional pizza and pasta dishes, eating the wrong food in the wrong regions can be one of the biggest mistakes you can make when traveling in Italy. Focus on the region’s specialty and what they are best known for. For example, you definitely want to head to Naples for the best pizza and Milan for the best risotto. If you have time, consider booking a food tour around the city you visit, assuring you try the best dishes possible.

Not visiting the countryside

The major cities in Italy, such as Rome, Milan, Venice, or Florence, are all great destinations that shouldn’t be skipped. But not visiting the Italian countryside is one of the biggest mistakes you can make when visiting Italy. Not only are you missing out on gorgeous scenery and the rolling landscapes of Tuscany, but some of the best activities are just better in the country, such as wine tastings, vineyard tours, fancy villas, and mansion stays.

Remember that renting a car when visiting the countryside of Italy is recommended, as transportation to rural areas may be limited. This allows you the option of adventuring at your own pace and having the freedom to come and go as you please.

Buying cheap souvenirs

You are in Italy, buy good souvenirs! One of the biggest mistakes you can make when traveling to Italy is buying cheap souvenirs rather than the real thing. Splurge on that authentic Italian leather, or bring back a gorgeous draping Italian scarf. Don’t forget balsamic vinegar, ceramics, and Murano glass from Venice. There are so many ideal souvenirs in Italy that won’t break the ban and that are much more suitable and treasurable than a lousy keychain.

Trying to sight-see on Sundays

Another common mistake that travelers often make when visiting Italy is planning to go sightseeing on Sundays. While Italy has predominant Christian religious roots, Sunday is the day of rest, resulting in many cafes, stores, and major attractions being closed on this day. When making your itinerary, plan to see major attractions throughout the week and save the weekend for relaxation and leisure, just like an authentic Italian.

Not booking significant attractions in advance

In order to make the most out of your time in Italy, we advise that you book major attractions in advance rather than the day of. Booking in advance saves you a lot of time by eliminating waiting in long lines and guarantees you a spot just in case of large crowds. Some attractions, such as Th Last Supper, require reservations in advance due to popularity and overcrowding.

Not understanding coffee culture

The traditional Italian breakfast differs significantly from what you may be used to. Rather than sitting down to a hearty plate of bacon and eggs, an Italian breakfast consists of coffee and pastry and is typically eaten at a standing bar. While it can take some getting used to at first, experiencing a real Italian breakfast is one of the must-do things when visiting any part of Italy. Not understanding the coffee culture is one of the biggest mistakes travelers can make while traveling in Italy, as you miss out on an essential activity native to the country.

Not carrying cash

Even though credit cards are now widely excepted all around the world, not carrying any cash is one of the biggest mistakes travelers make when visiting Italy. It is prevalent for small coffee carts, pastry shops, or gelato windows to only accept cash, as for local Italian restaurants or smaller cafes. Always try to carry a little bit of cash while traveling around Italy; you never know when you’ll need it or when an emergency will arise.

Not learning any Italian

While it’s not completely necessary to become fluent in Italian before your visit, not learning any Italian phrases at all is one of the biggest mistakes travelers can make when traveling to Italy. There is a lot of English throughout the country, mostly in larger cities and amongst the younger generation, but that’s not always the case. Learning a few familiar words and phrases will make communication in Italy much easier, and locals will appreciate your attempt to speak their language, even if it’s only a few words.

Italy is such an amazing destination to visit, and we would hate to see a damper put on your trip due to making some of these common mistakes. We hope this guide has helped teach you what to expect and how to avoid making the biggest mistakes travelers make when traveling to Italy! 

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