Beginner’s Guide to International Travel

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Beginner’s Guide to International Travel

International travel is something that everyone should be able to experience at least once in their life. The world has so much to explore and discover, and it’s a lot bigger than the comforts of your hometown. Whether you are planning your dream vacation or setting off for months of backpacking, international travel with being an adventure of a lifetime and will forever change your perspective on the world.

When planning for an international trip, stress, anxiety, and fear can easily become overwhelming. Rest assured, it’s a lot easier than you might think, While it does require a lot of research and preparations, it’s all worth it in the end. Here’s everything you need to know to plan the best international trip for the first time.

Apply for a Passport

Before globetrotting off around the world, applying for a passport is your main ticket. When traveling abroad, your passport will be your most prized possession, and keeping it safe and secure is crucial for a successful trip. Plan well in advance when applying for a new passport, and allow yourself enough time for it to process and be shipped to you. Typically, a new passport is processed for an average of 6-8 weeks. Don’t wait until the last minute to apply for a passport, as the entire trip will be impossible to take without it. If you are planning on traveling abroad for long periods of time multiple times a year, you may also consider applying for the Global Entry Program, allowing you quick and easy access to the rest of the world.

Research Your Destination

Researching your dream destination can be just as exciting as the trip itself. Whether you have been longing to see a certain location for years, or you are looking for something completely new and exciting, the opportunities are endless. For the best travel inspiration and ideas, Pinterest can be your best friend. If something about a destination sparks your interest, dive deeper to discover what the country has to offer. Read pst travel blogs and other experiences in destinations that catch your eye, for an honest opinion of people just like you. You may even be drawn to a mysterious place you had never even heard of before, and it can easily become your new favorite place in the world.

Check Visas and Entry Requirements

Before being dead set on a location and booking any kind of ticket or accommodation, do your research on required visas and border entry requirements. All countries have different rules and regulations when it comes to travel and tourism. Many destinations around the world are easily accessible with just a passport alone, while others require extensive amounts of paperwork or applications that need to be done well beforehand. Keep in mind, that visas and requirements are not always to same depending on nationality. While an American passport allows you to travel to over 120 countries visa-free, many nationalities around the world aren’t so lucky.

Make a Budget

Make a budget, be realistic, and stick to it. When traveling abroad, be sure to spend your money on things your love, not things that are supposed to be popular. Don’t feel like you have to do every experience possible and every tourist attraction available. While it’s easy to get caught up in all the excitement, being realistic about your spending will leave you less stressed, and able to experience more of what really makes you happy. Spend your money wisely, and splurge on things that actually interest you and that will leave your lifelong memories.

Buy Travel Insurance

If you don’t take aunty of the advice in this guide, at least do this one thing. Before traveling internationally be sure to purchase travel insurance before your departure. Staying safe and secure on the road is crucial for a happy and successful trip. Whether your trip is 1-week or 5 months, you need a plan in case unfortunate events or accidents happen while on teh road. Typically, most policies will cover loss, theft, damages, medical expenses, cancellation, and access to evacuation during national disasters or emergencies.

Be Aware of Local Customs

Before choosing a location, be aware of local customs and traditions in the destination of your choosing. Many locations around the world are a lot more ideal for first-time international travel, allowing easier travel, less culture shock, and safe environments. It’s also a good possibility the culture will vary a lot from your own, and it is best to be aware of this so you are prepared and respectful during your stay. Consider things such as religion, local dress codes, traditional practices, etc.

Exchange Currency

Having access to the country’s currency is essential for travel and access throughout the country. Exchanging currency can be done a few different ways, either before departure or on arrival. You either have the option to exchange cash at your local bank, receiving the daily exchange rate plus bank fees. While this option gives you access to cash before your trip, the exchange fee isn’t always the best. On the other hand, pulling cash from an ATM on arrival can be done just as easily, and can potentially earn you a better exchange rate in the long run. It’s wise to invest in an international debit card, eliminating foreign transaction fees at ATMs.

Go! Your adventure abroad will be one of the best experiences of your life. No matter what you do, your life will be forever changed. We hope you have enjoyed this guide and that you refer back here for inspiration when planning your international travels.

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