Most Asked Questions About Traveling to Las Vegas

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Most Asked Questions About Traveling to Las Vegas

Las Vegas is evolving more and more each year attracting thousands of visitors, thanks to its popularity and exciting nightlife and entertainment. Whether you are a first-time visitor to this fabulous city or a seasoned veteran of some of the world’s more unique casinos, everyone has questions and tends to do some research before visiting.

If you are looking for the best things to see, how to stay safe, the weather and climate, or the rules and regulations of the city, I’m sure someone else has had the same questions that you do. To help make your planning a lot smoother, we are here to help! We’ve answered 10 of the most commonly asked questions about traveling to Las vegas. Keep scrolling to learn everything there is to know about the vibrant and thrilling city of lights.

How long should I stay in Las Vegas?

The ideal amount of time to spend in Las Vegas to see the best of the city in 3-5 days. His allows plenty of time for exploring downtown, gambling in the casinos, relaxing by the pool, and enjoying the exciting nightlife. However, if you are looking to stay longer, there are plenty of things around Las vegas that can fill your time. Keep in mind, if you plan on drinking and partying for most of your trip, 3-5 days will be more than enough time for Sin City.

What is the weather like in Las Vegas?

Overall, Las Vegas has comfortable weather most times of the year. But, due to Las Vegas’s geographical location and desert landscapes, the temperature can vary to the extremes. Summer months are extremely hot with sunny skies and high temperatures, while during the winter months, temperatures drop and are more chilly. It can even snow in Las Vegas from time to time, so be sure to research the weather in advance and be prepared.

What is the legal age for gambling?

You must be at least 21 years of age to participate in gambling in Las Vegas casinos.  Guests that are under the age of 21 can meander and walk through the casinos, but may not participate in drinking, gambling, or standing around tables or slot machines, even with an adult present.

Are all pools for hotel guests only?

There are dozens of fabulous pools and day clubs in Las Vegas. Many hotels are restricted pool use to guests only, with the exception of day passes or full cabana rentals. If you want to use a pool outside of your accommodation in Las Vegas, consider going to one of the day or beach clubs for full pool access with drinks, cabanas, sun tanners, and plenty of options to choose from.

Does Las Vegas have a dress code?

Las Vegas is an overall all-casual place and the city does not enforce a dress code, as it’s very welcoming and accepting of freedom of expression. With that being said, there are some places in Las Vegas where up-scale dress codes are enforced. For certain clubs, night shows, and entertainment venues, dressy and business wear is more acceptable, rather than jeans or flip flops.

What is the best way to get around Las Vegas?

Walking is the best way to explore the city. The Strip is very compact and most of the popular points of interest are located in the downtown region. If you aren’t keen on walking, taxi cabs and Uber are available to take you wherever you want to go. There is also a public bus system, going to certain places around the city. Keep in mind, while the airport is in close proximity to the strip, it’s best to get a taxi to your hotel and avoid walking for safety purposes.

Is there an open container law in Las Vegas?

Unlike most other cities in the United States, there is no open container law in Las Vegas and visitors are allowed to drink on the street, so long that they are of the legal drinking age of 21 years old. Thankfully, Vegas is a very walkable city and most places can be reached on foot, eliminating the chances of driving while intoxicated.

Is Las Vegas safe?

Las Vegas is a relatively safe city, but, just like any other destination in the world, there is always a chance of the unfortunate. S long as you stay around the populated areas near the Strip and surrounding regions, you shouldn’t have any issues. Pay attention to your surrounding, avoid walking around alone at night, and avoid strange and dangerous neighborhoods where crime and gang violence is more prevalent.

Can I go into a casino if I am not a guest at the hotel?

Visitors of Las Vegas are allowed and encouraged to explore all the casinos in the city, whether or not they are staying as a guest at the hotel. Casinos want visitors and won’t be offended if you opt to stay somewhere else, as long as you are gambling and having a good time. Many casinos offer free parking for all guests, making it easy to explore other parts of the city.

What is there to do besides gambling?

Las Vegas has TONS of things to do besides gambling and drinking all day. There are dozens of pools, museums, art galleries, and live entertainment options in every direction in Vegas. If you venture outside the city little ways, guests will find miles of hiking trails, gorgeous desert landscapes, and a peaceful paradise away from the lights and noise of the Strip.

We hope this answered most of the questions you had about traveling to Las Vegas! Keep these tips in mind and you are sure to have a memorable and successful trip.

SpoonDrawer MediaMost Asked Questions About Traveling to Las Vegas

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