Solo Travel: How To Plan Your First Trip

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Solo Travel: How To Plan Your First Trip

Your first solo trip will be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences of your life. However, the planning process, in the beginning, can be quite frightening. It’s a lot different than taking trips within a group or as a family. Being solo, you are on your own, and in charge of each and every aspect of the trip. You’re probably thinking, “where do I even begin?”

Lucky for you, we have a lot of experience and have put together the most helpful tips and tricks to guide you while planning your first solo adventure. And rest assured, it gets easier and easier with experience.

Keep reading for 8 essential things to keep in mind!

Pick A Destination

One of the first things you need to do when planning your first solo trip is to choose a destination; better yet, a destination that’s right for YOU. YOU are the one taking the trip, go somewhere that will make you comfortable, happy, and safe. While the location and destination you choose should be based on personal preference, there are some places better suited than others, and specific factors to keep in mind, such as:

  • Language
  • Culture & religion
  • Safety
  • Helpful locals
  • Tourism industry

Keep in mind, your destination can make or break your trip. You want to have a positive and memorable experience on your solo adventure, not one that keeps you stressed or constantly worried. Some of the best locations for first-time solo travels are:

  • United Kingdom
  • Thailand
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • Iceland
  • Japan
  • Germany
  • Vietnam
  • Spain

Get Travel Insurance

If you don’t take any other advice from this list, do yourself a favor and be sure to get travel insurance for your trip. Travel insurance is essential when unfortunate events or accidents occur. Whether you need medical attention, lose your luggage, or if there is a natural disaster or, in previous cases, a global pandemic, travel insurance is really important. World Nomads is one of the most trusted travel insurance companies in the world, with various different plans and packages to suit your needs, from sickness, injuries, disaster, or other mishaps along the road.

Research Location

Do as much research on your location as possible. It’s very easy to overlook key details when planning a solo trip for the first time. You will feel more prepared and confident, and less stressed and overwhelmed if when you arrive, you are well-educated and aware of your surroundings. Some things to consider when doing your research are:

  • Be aware of local scams that are common, to prevent them from happening to you.
  • Be mindful of local culture and religions, and know how to be respectful.
  • Practice responsible tourism, and only book tours and activities that will benefit the local community.
  • Research country laws and entry requirements such as visas, invitations, permits, etc.
  • Be aware of city layouts, and know which neighborhoods are safe, and which ones to avoid.

Book Flights and First Accommodations

Book all of your essential flights and first night’s accommodation before setting off. Having everything set before you go will eliminate future stress for when the trip actually begins. When arriving in a new destination for the first time, it’s nice to already have a place to go from the airport to rest and unwind. If you arrive late at night, having a night’s accommodation already in place will also help keep you safe.

Depending on your trip and travel style, this can vary from person to person For shorter trips, we’ve found it easier to go ahead and book the majority of transportation and accommodation options, however, for longer trips, consider booking only the essentials. It’s likely your plans or route will change while on the road.

Sort All Documents & Paperwork

Carry copies of important documents and sort out all of your important paperwork in a safe place, and separate from the originals. Things such as visas, reservations, confirmations, credit cards, passports, and anything that has some sort of value to make the trip a success. Having hard copies and extra copies, in addition to the originals or digital copies, is one of the best ways to avoid stress if the unfortunate happens such as loss of luggage, theft, or when disaster strikes.

Use A Travel Advisor

Planning a solo trip for the first time, especially with no prior experience or knowledge, can be very overwhelming and cause fear ad stress before the trip even begins. Using a travel advisor to help plan your trip is a great idea if you are a newbie to the solo traveling world. A travel advisor can guide your whole process, book reservations and tours, educate you on safety tips and be a direct point of contact in case something goes wrong. Additionally, they may have direct connections on the ground in specific locations, assist you when flights are canceled, or direct you to networks or opportunities you wouldn’t have tried to do alone.

Practice Solo Travel at Home

Before heading out on your first solo adventure, consider practicing solo travel at home. Take yourself out on dinner dates, walk through unfamiliar parts of your hometown, and take weekend road trips to nearby destinations. Learning to be confident on your own is one of the best ways to stay safe, and learn more about yourself and what you are capable of doing. Once you are comfortable enough with your own company at home, traveling solo in unfamiliar places becomes much easier and more enjoyable.

Set Intentions and Have Fun

Solo traveling for the very first time is a life-changing experience; anything could happen. Make the most of it while it lasts, set intentions, and have fun. What do you want to accomplish? How do you want to feel? Having intentions will give you more direction, clarity, and purpose, making your trip even more exciting and successful. And above all have fun! This trip is all about you. You are setting out in the unknown alone, ready, maybe a little scared, and excited for what’s to come. Smile and be proud of yourself, solo travel is all about the journey. Enjoy every moment.

SpoonDrawer MediaSolo Travel: How To Plan Your First Trip

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