Learning a New Language to Travel Abroad

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Learning a New Language to Travel Abroad

Traveling abroad opens up a whole new world of opportunities and experiences different from our own. It teaches us that there is a whole other world with a completely different culture, way of life, and language. One of the best ways to understand and appreciate the difference in cultures and values is through language. 

Understanding the language of your destination will completely change the way you travel. YOu will be able to immerse yourself into the culture much faster and a lot easier. Being able to communicate with locals in their familiar language allows you to become an active part of their community, not just a tourist. 

Learning a new language fluently isn’t completely necessary for traveling abroad, but knowing a few phrases go a long way. Languages can take years to learn and master, and without practice, maybe even longer. Before traveling abroad, consider why learning another language is essential, how it will help you, and the difference it will make on your journey. 

Why Learning a Language is Important for Travel

When traveling abroad you’ll quickly learn that it becomes a lot easier when you learn a few phrases in the local language. Knowing how to say common phrases such as “hello,” “where is..” and “I’ll have another beer” are all very useful things to learn, but there are still a lot of other phrases important for successful travel. Staying safe and happy while abroad has a lot to do with understanding the world around you. 

There will be various times while abroad when you will be thankful you took the time to learn a few words and phrases. Needing to read a bus schedule, taking to a doctor in case of an emergency, or haggling at a market to avoid tourist prices are all circumstances where knowing the local language will really come in handy. 

Knowing the local language also gives you the opportunity to make friends and stay safe. It’s easy to make mistakes when traveling abroad, and there’s bound to be another traveler out there in the same situation as you. If you can’t read the language it’s really easy to get lost and become vulnerable. Give yourself the opportunity to help other like minded people, make new friends, and keep the both of you safe.

Useful Phrases to Learn When Traveling Abroad

Communication barriers can be very frustrating and challenging when traveling abroad to countries that speak different languages. Hand signals and body language can go a long way, but sometimes not far enough. Locals are often more likely to help you or stick around if you’re at least trying to speak the language, it shows them you are respectful.

Not only will you gain respect from locals and make new friends, but learning a few useful phrases will help make your daily life a lot easier while abroad. Consider translating some of these words and phrases into the local language before your trip:

  • Hello/Goodbye 
  • Please/Thank You 
  • Nice to Meet You 
  • Good morning/Good evening/Good afternoon
  • Excuse Me/Sorry 
  • Do you speak English?
  • Can you help me?
  • Do you know how to get to?
  • Doctor/Hospital
  • Airport/Train Station/Bus Stop/Taxi 
  • I’m Lost 
  • Pharmacy 
  • Numbers 
  • Please Call the Police 
  • Where is the bathroom?
  • My name is___
  • How much does this cost/Price 
  • I don’t understand 
  • What do you recommend?

Tips and Tools to Learn a New Language

Take a foreign language class in your own city: Before going abroad, consider taking a language course before departure that way you have an introduction and idea of certain words. Language classes abroad also cater to tourists and travelers looking to learn a few helpful comments. 

Learn a new language online: Technology has given us so many new opportunities and ways to learn new skills. There are dozens of virtual tutors and online companies with native speakers offering lessons in almost every language. 

Download an app for foreign languages: Apps such as DuoLingo, help you learn languages on the go. Start with basics and level one sight words, and continue enhancing your mind from anywhere with an internet connection.

Find a language exchange: Often there are language exchanges or travel meetups in big cities or destinations popular with tourism. Check local hostels and tourism boards to find language meetups run by locals and other aspiring learners, looking to exchange language practices with other travelers. 

Watch television with subtitles in a foreign language: Before you leave for your trip abroad, consider watching television in the foreign language of the destination you are heading to. Watching something you are very familiar with, and adding native subtitles, will allow you to put the word to action, and learn basic everyday phrases and slang. 

 Try to think in the language you are trying to learn: This technique is a bit more advanced, but altering your internal dialogue will go a long way in learning a new language. This will help you identify gaps in your vocabulary and understand what aspects of the language you are still struggling in. 

While learning every single word of a new language can be almost impossible, it’s amazing how just a few simple words and phrases can go such a long way. Traveling somewhere abroad, and being able to communicate  with others will intensify your travel experience and make it even more magical. And don’t forget, a smile means the same thing in every language and makes a world of difference.

SpoonDrawer MediaLearning a New Language to Travel Abroad

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