Best Accommodation When Traveling Solo

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Best Accommodation When Traveling Solo

If you are heading out on your first solo adventure, first off, congratulations! You are getting ready to step foot on an adventure of a lifetime and one of the most eye-opening experiences in the world. It’s likely you have a lot of questions about how to best prepare for your trip to make it an overall success, as all solo travelers do in the beginning; one of the biggest relates to accommodation.

When traveling solo, which is the better accommodation option? A Hotel, or a hostel? Our personal preference; in hostels. They offer a welcoming environment, and social atmosphere, and tend to be a lot more affordable for those traveling on their own. However, depending on your personal preference, worries, and travel styles, a hotel may be more suited for you. Both hostels and hotels have pros and cons for solo travelers, so it’s important to weigh your options.

To help make your decision easier, we’ve broken down hostels and hotels into 5 specific categories to compare which is best suited for solo travelers.



Nine times out of ten, a hostel is going to be much more affordable than a hotel for solo travelers. Depending on your destination, dorm rooms in hostels can be as cheap as just a couple of dollars, versus hundreds for a hotel room. While private rooms do tend to be more pricey in hostels, they are typically still less expensive than a hotel room. If you are a solo traveler who is on a budget, hostels are much more affordable and can make your dollars go a whole lot further.

Atmosphere and Privacy

Being a solo traveler, meeting new people, and making friends are some of the most exciting parts of the journey. Hostels have a much better atmosphere and social environment, designed for other travelers to meet like-minded people. Whether you stay in dorm rooms with other solo travelers or opt for a private room, it’s much easier to meet new people when staying at a hostel, rather than a hotel.

If you are a solo traveler who is interested in having more private accommodation, unless you opt for a private room in a hostel, a hotel is going to be much more suitable. You are guaranteed your own bathroom and personal space. While hostels have a better atmosphere, a hotel is great for solo travelers who are also digital nomads and need extra space for peace and quiet.


When it comes to safety, it really just depends on how trustworthy you are of other travelers. Hostels are very safe, as long as you use common sense. It’s important to do your research n a hostel, read reviews, and double-check the amenities. Make sure your doors can be locked, lockers are available, and it’s located in a safe area. Hotels on the other hand, often come with 24/7 reception, security, or cameras, and provide more privacy and secured space for your valuables.

If you are concerned about safety while in a hostel, keep in mind that everyone else there is a traveler just like you, and is far less likely to steal or complicate further travel plans for like-minded people. Just be sure to use your best judgment and double-check check your belongings are secured.


While hotels are likely to offer various perks and amenities, hostel amenities are often more suitable for solo travelers. Dorm rooms can be available for just a few dollars, transportation and shuttles can be arranged, and staff members are typically informed of how to arrange specific tours around the area. Hostels also offer special perks such as family dinners, pub crawls, game nights, and a local staff who can give the best tips and advice for your destination. Overall, almost every amenity that can be found at a hotel can also be found at a hostel; you just have to do your research and know where to look.


Hostels and hotels are often both very convenient for solo travelers. When it comes to location, hostels are probably going to be your best bet, as they are typically located in touristic neighborhoods and near popular sightseeing spots. Hotels, on the other hand, can be a lot more convenient if you are arriving during the night, as they are more likely to include airport transportation and 24/7 reception.

Weigh out your options compared to your itinerary, and biggest wants and needs, and it’s likely you will figure out which option is more convenient for your travel style.

Networking/Making Friends

If your main concern when traveling solo is thinking you will be lonely, think again. A hostel is one of the easiest ways for solo travelers to make friends and meet other like-minded travelers. They are often very welcoming and inviting for solo travelers of any race, nationality, background, and culture. Not only are other travelers very sociable, but so are the staff, especially at party hostels. There are often workers whose sole job is to make sure travelers are having a good time. It’s almost impossible not to make at least one new friend while staying in a hostel.

While it’s not impossible to meet new friends and network with others while staying at a hotel, the atmosphere tends to be less sociable, there are far fewer backpackers, and the staff isn’t typically there to make friends.

We hope you have enjoyed this comparative guide to hotels and hostels when traveling solo! Depending on your travel style, personal preference, and budget, either accommodation option works great for solo travelers, no matter your destination. 

SpoonDrawer MediaBest Accommodation When Traveling Solo

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