Dive On In: A Guide to Water Activities in Alaska

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Have you ever dreamed of taking an adventure in some of the cleanest waters and beautiful landscapes on Earth? Look no further than Alaska, where a world of aquatic wonders awaits you. From kayaking through fjords to witnessing whales breaching in the open ocean, Alaska offers tons of water activities, and we are here to tell you all about them!

A Beginner Guide to the Best Water Activities in Alaska

While many people automatically think of snow and cold temperatures when they think of Alaska, many people forget Alaska is full of water. There are all kinds of activities and opportunities regarding water in Alaska. Whether you want a calming experience of day fishing or cruising or a more adventurous escape on a raft or kayak, Alaska has it.

Here are our must-dos and the best water activities in Alaska. Suit up, and let’s dive in!

Whale Watching

To begin our list, we will start with one of the most popular and biggest: whale watching. Alaska is home to a diverse range of whales, including humpback whales, orcas, gray whales, and belugas. Whether you’re cruising through the Inside Passage, exploring Glacier Bay National Park, or visiting the Kenai Fjords, there are a lot of different ways to go whale watching in Alaska. The best time to go is typically from May to September when whales migrate. During this time, tour operators offer boat tours and cruises, making seeing these giants in action easier than ever.


As you might have already guessed, kayaking is obviously one of the best water activities you can do in Alaska. Whether you’re paddling through fjords, gliding past glaciers, or navigating icebergs (remember the Titanic?), kayaking offers an intimate and exhilarating way to experience Alaska’s natural side. Some of the best places for kayaking in Alaska include Glacier Bay National Park, Kenai Fjords National Park, and Prince William Sound, where you can paddle alongside glaciers, spot whales and sea otters, and have some of the best views in the state.


For those looking to go the extra mile in Alaska and get a view from the other side, taking an Alaskan cruise is one of the best water activities you can do. From the comfort of a cruise ship, you can sail through fjords and glaciers and spot marine life, such as whales, seals, and eagles. Some of the best places to visit on an Alaskan cruise include Glacier Bay National Park, Hubbard Glacier, and the Inside Passage. With onboard amenities, guided excursions, and knowledgeable staff, an Alaskan cruise gives you a super cool opportunity to explore one of the most breathtaking places on Earth.


Rafting is another great water activity you can do in Alaska because it offers an adventurous way to explore the rivers. With rapids, scenery, and wildlife in every direction, rafting in Alaska is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. If you choose to indulge in the wild side of things, some of the best places for rafting in Alaska include the Nenana River in Denali National Park, the Kenai River on the Kenai Peninsula, and the Tatshenshini River in Southeast Alaska.


Alaska offers some of the best fishing opportunities in the world, easily making this one of the best water activities you can do on your visit. With its rivers, lakes, and coastal waters everywhere, Alaska is home to a wide variety of fish species, like salmon, trout, and halibut. Whether you prefer fly fishing in streams, casting for salmon, ice fishing in the winter, or dropping a line for halibut, Alaska has something for every type of angler. Some of the best places to fish in Alaska include the Kenai River for salmon, the Kvichak River for rainbow trout, and the waters around Kodiak for halibut.


Lastly, and perfect for marine and animal lovers, snorkeling is one of the best water activities you can do in Alaska. While Alaska’s waters may be colder than tropical destinations, they are full of marine creatures and kelp forests. Consider going snorkeling around the Aleutian Islands, Prince William Sound, or the Inside Passage during the summer months, from June to August, when the water temperatures are milder and marine life is most active. With the right gear and a sense of adventure, snorkeling in Alaska offers a super unique experience for those who love the water.

We hope this guide has encouraged you to dive on into Alaska and take the plunge into all the water activities there are to enjoy. No matter what time of year you visit, Alaska is always freshly stocked with plenty of water and a lot of water fun to go along with it. When you are planning your next adventure, make sure to contact us here at Adventures by Matt to ensure you don’t miss out on having the best experience possible!

Matt DawsonDive On In: A Guide to Water Activities in Alaska

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