Taking A Once In A Lifetime Trip

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Taking a Once in a Lifetime Trip

Are you ready for the trip of a lifetime? The possibilities are endless and the adventures can be absolutely incredible. There are so many unique experiences to be had around the world. As a traveler, you know you need to be a part of as much adventure as you can find! Whether you’re still building your bucket list, or you’ve already started checking it off, there is a perfect trip out there that will be truly once in a lifetime. 

The exciting part of traveling is that it can be anything you want it to be—exciting, relaxing, adventurous, inspirational or all of the above. To plan your trip, you’ll want to find the balance of thrilling excitement, unique experiences and peaceful relaxation that is perfect for you. Adrenaline junkies may love a week spent diving with sharks off the coast of South Africa, while history buffs may want to geek out over the Pyramids of Giza. The most important thing to know is that the trip of your dreams doesn’t need to be all one thing. You can mix and match to find the right fit. 

Pro tip: If you haven’t already, take a trip or two to find your travel style. Head to a new city to explore and see if you gravitate towards museums or national parks, sightseeing or spa days, action packed adventures or low-key exploration. Once you know the pace at which you like to travel and the sorts of activities you enjoy, you can find your perfect once in a lifetime vacation. 

As you think about putting together your trip of a lifetime, here are some categories to add to the bucket list:

Natural Wonders

There’s a reason they call them wonders. The natural world is full of unbelievable sights that are so magnificent, you need to spend some time to soak them in. The Galapagos Islands offer the chance to step into a unique habitat. Victoria Falls in Zambia will give you the chance to experience a life changing wonder. There are so many incredible places to experience untouched natural beauty. They may take a little bit of travel to get to, but the connection to the natural world is completely worth it.

Historical Sites

The deep cultural significance of historical sites makes these perfect spots for once in a lifetime travels. Historical sites offer insight into unique cultures and groundbreaking moments in history. The commitment of the people who created them and the reverence by which they are maintained are obvious when visiting these cultural sites. When you visit Petra, a city carved entirely out of sandstone cliffs, you see the spirit of the people who have lived there for centuries. When you walk the Great Wall of China, you are stepping in ancient soldier’s footsteps, as well as the footsteps pf millions of other visitors throughout the centuries. Spend some time getting to know these sites, and you will be rewarded with an incredible experience.

Once In A Lifetime Events

Some events come around only once in a blue moon, and they are not to be missed. A trip centering around a unique event creates memories that will last a lifetime. If you love being around people, there might be a festival or show that you need to be a part of. The Monaco Grand Prix would be a bucket list moment for any race car lover. Natural events can be even more unique, and sometimes even more unpredictable, like chasing solar eclipses across a continent or traveling to see the Northern Lights close to the Arctic Circle. 

Unreal Experiences

For the ultimate adventurer, committing to an experience can get you up close and personal like no other trip can. Scuba diving in Barracuda Point, Malaysia, deep sea fishing off the coast of Belize, or climbing the active Kilauea volcano in Hawaii are once in a lifetime opportunities. 

These trips are not just for thrill seekers though, unique experiences can be relaxing as well as exciting. Unbelievable concepts can be realities, like a hotel made of ice that you can stay the night in, or a restaurant that is completely underwater. Soaking in a once in a lifetime experience can be as simple as ordering filet mignon and watching the sharks swim by!

Unique Modes of Travel

For some, it’s more about the journey than the destination. Unique modes of travel, like month-long train trips, or hot air balloon adventures make a trip unlike any other. Hiking the backcountry of Yosemite National Park creates an experience of the park that you would never find by car or otherwise. Think outside the box here, and you could try things like mushing through the Yukon with a team of sled dogs. There are also more luxurious options, like taking a river cruise past real castles on the Danube.

Leave Room for the Personal

Lastly, think about what would be a meaningful experience for you. Would traveling with a loved one make your trip absolutely special? Do you feel a connection to a certain place or culture that you want to explore further? Once in a lifetime trips are uniquely personal, so take the time to connect with something personal to you. Maybe it’s a spiritual pilgrimage or a journey to discover your ancestors’ homeland. Maybe you want to follow in the steps of Julia Roberts in Eat, Pray, Love—eating your way through Italy and ending up in Bali!

The world is there for exploring, so go, get started planning your once in a lifetime trip!

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